The Vietnamese American Community of the USA
6050 Dawson Blvd., Ste. A-B, Norcross, GA 30093
Websites: http://tienggoicongdan.com/, vacusa.wordpress.com
Email: md46usa@gmail.com, ntramy99@yahoo.com
TEL: (404) 409-8992
To: Mr. Gavin Newsom
Governor of California
1303 10th Street, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
May 9, 2020
Subject: Protest the Governor’s recent statement that offends the nail business and the Vietnamese American Community.
Dear Governor Newsom,
On behalf of the Vietnamese American Community of the USA (VAC-USA), we strongly protest your recent statement in regard to the Covid-19.
(Quote) "this whole thing started in the state of California, the first community spread, in a nail salon, … [I am] very worried about that." (end quote)
We don't have any information to verify the truth about the spreading of Covid-19 in your State of California, but we see in your statement the serious discrimination toward the nails business in which a high percentage of workers are Vietnamese Americans.
We are in no position to lecture you on the prudence in your speech. But at least, a politician should think twice before speaking and know how to choose words properly in special circumstances in order to maintain the unity of the people in his/her care.
We are requesting you to withdraw your statement and send apologies to those your statement might offend. We are looking forward to your reply soon.
Michael Do
Chairman of the Board of Directors
The Vietnamese American Community of the USA